JMP contacted me to assist in creating a video for their client Iceotope, aimed at explaining precision liquid cooling. I was fortunate to be involved from the beginning, allowing me to contribute to the workflow and the overall aesthetic of the project.
The concept incorporated a blend of live-action footage, CGI shots, and 2D & 3D graphics. My responsibility was to deliver the CGI and 3D graphics.
This process involved converting CAD drawings into 3D models suitable for Cinema 4D, followed by lighting, texturing, animating, and compositing.
Early style frames

Our objective was to achieve a final result that presented the cooling system within photo realistic imagery.
Throughout the project, we faced numerous twists and turns, making adaptability and flexibility crucial to meet the client's needs.
Despite the challenges, they were all successfully addressed, and I thoroughly enjoyed creating this world of servers. Working with JMP was a truly rewarding experience and I look forward to working with them again in the future.